Having flicked through the channels all Friday evening looking for something that wasn’t a faux documentary about fake tanned vajazzlists learning a dance routine or a harrowing political report about our economy I stuck on Sky Sports. Trusty old Sky Sports.
It was there that I saw it. The Saxons battling the Wolfhounds. It sounded more like the Syfy Channel’s precursor to Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus rather than an International rugby match but I kept with it…
It seems that the marketing folk in rugby have decided they need to give their different teams identity. Something that can be advertised but also something recognised as unique within a complex rugby organisation. The back-up teams have their own coaches, are valued above the Under20s and the 7s sides and they command crowds of their own. They need to be named, and the players need to know what they are, those thoughts suggest.
Young Simon Zebo has had a breakout season on the wing for Munster, but he is green and has a long way to go before he usurps the likes of Bowe, Earls or McFadden. He is a Wolfhound.
Ugo Monye is struggling to recover his Lions form and needs a boost. He’ll be a Saxon.
In Scotland, though, we do not have this sense of identity. We have our ‘A’ team. They play their games in Gala and they come together after the Scotland team streamline themselves. There is the occasional tour but nothing is regular or set in stone. There is nothing that a PR or marketing department can say “let’s advertise that brand” about.
I have heard Edinburgh Head Coach Michael Bradley use the word ‘brand’ a lot when talking about his club. He is someone who knows about cultivating an identity, having punched in the mud with Connacht for several seasons. Now he is the ’A’ coach as well and he and his team have to come together awfully quickly under one banner.
There is no pressing need to call the team anything else. It is the way it has always been, say the diehards. Monikers are both garish and irrelevant, others intone.
However, with the game set to be played in Gala it is those same diehards that also suggest any rugby will draw a crowd down there. No one dare suggest that in the Borders fans only go if one of their own is playing in the game. If there are any suggested tribal schisms this may play a part in crowd size even if some English stars are playing a Scotland team, especially if it is raining.
Would a new identity for the ‘A’’s fix this? It is almost impossible to say. Some fans and some in the media suggest that it would not make a lick of difference. If people weren’t willing to go see Scotland ‘A’ why would they pop out for the Scotland Lions Rampant?
Perhaps we will never know unless we try. I watched twenty minutes of Dinocroc versus Sharktopus and, although it was dreadful, I gave it a chance to draw me in. We have a CEO who says he is willing to consider selling naming rights for Murrayfield. Why not publicly proclaim a new ‘A’ team, on TV and in the papers? It might just draw a bigger crowd, it might not. It may be a disaster.
What would they be called, anyway?
The Bravehearts? The Claymores? The Gael Force? The Kelpies? The Banshees? The Bay City Rollers?
19 responses
The Reivers?
I’d definately turn out to see The Scottish “Amazeballs”
The Scottish Chibbers? Maybe even Scottish Widows?
I’d of thought something like the Saltire’s (already taken by cricket) or the Wildcat’s (probably our most violent wild animal) would fit a bit better.
The Scottish Chieftains?
Scottish Power? :D
Names you wouldn’t be able to use because of copyright or branding conflicts:
Chiefs, Highlanders, Thistles, Saltires, Ospreys or Rocks.
Gael Force, Bravehearts and Lions Rampant would sound awful, but then again Wolfhounds isn’t fantastic either…
Species that are strong or fierce and scottish (or are near): Wildcat, Red Deer, Red Fox, Orca, Skua, Golden Eagle, Peregrine.
Any of those inspire pride? Would the kit have to change colour to match- like the 7s white and purple number? Anywhere better suited to play games with such identity(s)?
The Highland Schottische?
Building on the Scottish Widows – how about the Scottish Widowmakers? Now that has a fearful ring to it!
If you’re after feared scottish beasties nothing strikes fear into visitors to our shores like the Midgies…Not really macho enough for Rugby! Or maybe the X-Fives for a more Star Wars feel with AR as Darth Vader (go on admit it you can visualise it!) and Chunk as R2D2 or is that just being silly!
Wolfhounds versus Midgies? hmmmm…
We also have Basking Sharks, Buzzards and Merlins (which, despite being a bird, could somewhat sate Spider’s desire for the weird).
Badgers, Adders, Puffin’s and Sea Eagles…we don’t really have any fearful crueatures, do we? Clan? No, that’s an ice hockey team. Celts? Rogues?
How about: the terriers?, the puffins (the pack at least)? the bams?
On the UK royal Coats of Arms it’s always a unicorn that reprezents Scotland.
Would the Scottish Unicorns XV be a bit too “my little pony”?
Just checked on wikipedia, apparently the unicorn is always shown chained on the coat of arms because they’re considered “dangerous beasts”! There you go, case closed!
Maybe the Picts? Didn’t they have a reputation as fairly fearsome warriors?
Honeybadgers. Cause Honey Badger doesn’t give a f*ck. Or so the saying goes.
The Girders
I would change the name to Scotland Braves sounds at least a bit more commercial.
Scotland the Brave !
Is there a prize for the one chosen lol
I’ll tell you what. If Rory, Al and myself pick a winner we’ll see if we can get a T-shirt made… About time we had our own merch anyway
Haha any excuse for a dig. I was going to look at t-shirt printing today anyway…