In Inverness, from our old school, saying this would have been the equivalent of saying something like “that Laurence Dallaglio is a nice chap”. Oh wait. But still, props of the non-front-row variety go to Milburn rugby team members Andrew Kellock (aged 12, no relation, one imagines) and John Clark (age 13) who managed to bring their careening minibus to a safe stop after their rugby teacher collapsed at the wheel. The team were returning from dishing out a beating in Plockton – which just shows the sort of away fixture you get in Highlands rugby. With reactions that fast, a place in the Scotland team can’t be far off for those boys. We wish the teacher well for his recovery.
On a childish side-note, ‘mon the IRA (Inverness Royal Academy, not the other lot – and if our latter experiences of rugby were anything to go by, a school that probably now has a bigger tiddlywinks team than rugby team). Meet you at the quarry for a ruckus after PE.